
Website Goals

This site differs from most traditional Cult Busters sites that primarily focus on religion. The objective is to provide critical thinking for analyzing 12 step treatment procedures for alcohol and drug addiction, when compared to traditional religious cults. Also recommend alternative recovery rehabilitation programs and procedures; and provide an extensive Christian testimony.

Various phrases relative to addictions

Treatment for addiction is classified by many as nothing more than psychotherapy; and in this case psychotherapy is a systematical attempt to change an addicts’ values, ambitions, principles and behaviors. Thus, treatment strays away from being purely medical therapy, but to a methodical avenue of moral and religious indoctrination. It is worthy to note that the most established and accepted form of addiction treatments are the numerous 12-Step recovery programs—splinter groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

It is the religious angle of these 12 Step programs that has stirred so much controversy in past years, thus causing tension between their adherents and those opposed to their traditions to the point of labeling them a cult. It is the purpose of this website not to be as outwardly blatant with such an accusation, but to analyze the facts through thorough research. In gist, the findings of the Berean Research Ministry (BRM) is an intermediate position, and is documented on this site.

Berean Research Ministry


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Cult Buster

Analysis of 12 Step Alcohol and Drug Treatment Programs